Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm Registered.

For those of you who are following the news. It seems like things have heated up on the Korean Peninsula. The history is long, and the details are hard to confirm but I think it's time to be prepared. Preparation in the sense of mindfulness, not an overnight bag. I don't write this to scare folks, but I think it's a great reminder.

You see, I feel safe in Korea. I walk around without even the slightest amount of concern and it's easy to go on with daily life thinking all is well. Though less safe than in Korea, I felt relatively safe in California too. Aside from running outside past 5pm, walking to my car in a parking lot, or journeying around in a city by myself, life is California is pretty safe. For most of us, we live a safe life.

But, what happens when the threat of war looms? In a country where you are a foreigner? You see, the embassy offers an official registry. As an American, in the case of an emergency, they will notify me and work to get me out of the country. Even then, in the midst of chaos, I am hopeful of an element of safety. But what about the folks who live here? What about the beautiful Koreans who live on this peninsula? Who call this place home and will stay? What hope do they have? Does Jesus even call me into safety? Is he calling me to something bigger than praying for no war?

I am sweetly reminded that life is short and that human endeavors fail. While I am surrounded by elements of safety, even living in a foreign country, I live in a world where evil is working. Yes, it it is beautiful, life is sweet, and God is good... but there is work to be done.

Folks, fear not, i am hesitant to even suggest that an actual war would break out. But, one would be naive to not consider the possibility. I don't want to be caught with my eyes closed leaning on the "promise" of safety!

Keep up for yourself...

Yahoo News
Korean Herald
LA Times


  1. Dear Sister,
    I'm pretty sure that God just told me that He wants you safe! So you better get your butt back to SAFE California and we will all pray together for the people living in Korea! Prayers are probably heard more in a quiet city like Victorville instead of a city with bombs!!!
    I miss scare me...I love you...GEEZ!
    I will be praying for ALL of Korea and your lovely friends...can they come over and we can meet them on Skype?? :D

  2. Sister!
    No need to be worried for me!
    I miss you too... no need to be scared! I love you!!
    And yes, you can meet my friends... i'll work on making it happen!
    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Good of you to let everyone whats going on & giving us articles to look up too! Thanks.

    It's so funny how we look at safety and suffering from an American point of view (after all, it's all we have) But it's not till we look from the lens of another culture/country that we think "wait a minute I think I have something wrong." Thats what I thought when we went to the voice of the martyrs conference. After going, I read the bible a different way. I saw safety and suffering differently...What a great opportunity Christ has let you trust Him to find true & eternall security. I love you and I am happy you are registered.

  4. I'll be sure to catch up on what's going on there Sarah, thanks for providing those articles. I have thought about this a lot lately as well. Few people are willing to forsake their safety and security to move to the dangerous urban cities like Seoul or Rio, or to even pray for those cities which is equally as emotionally-investing. But like Heather said, we must read our Bible in a different way.

    "as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Phil 1:20-21)

    Do we truly live as if to "depart and be with Christ" is far better? (Phil 1:23)
